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Claudia Alende
Claudia Alende is a well know Brazilian model, actress, TV hostess and entrepreneur with over 9 million followers on Instagram.
Baka Prase
Baka Prase is Serbia's and Balkan region most influential YouTuber with over 2.2 million subscribers on his YouTube channel.
Everson Zoio
Everson Zoio is a famous character in Brazil. He as 3.2 million followers on Instagram and a huge YouTube account with 13 million subscribers.
Goularte is a famous Brazilian gamer with one of the biggest communities in the gaming space. All his social media channels have from 1 to 5 million subscribers or followers.
Azzi Gambling
Ben is a gambling streamer from the UK. He started making videos in 2019 and is consistently posting videos since. He has a dedicated YouTube channel Azzi Gambling with 9.1K subscribers with almost full UK audience.
Spinitin Slots
Spinitin Slots is a gamble streamer from the UK. He started making videos in 2019 and is consistently posting videos since. He already made more then 900 gambling videos. He has 9.3K subscribers with a 80% UK audience, the rest is from other EU countries.
Daily Gambling
DAILY Gambling is YouTuber who owns several gambling channels. He’s playing on his own channel, makes reaction videos second channel and has one of the biggest short form content channels on YouTube which is all gambling dedicated.
Stop & Step
Stop & Step is a Youtuber who enjoys making videos of his gambling sessions. He is one of the biggest gambling youtubers in the UK. With over 11 years of consistent posting videos he reached over 83.000.000 views.
Scratch Card Joe
Scratch Card Joe is a fully dedicated online gambling creator, his entire audience is gambling dedicated and he’s been posting gambling content for the past 4 years with over 150K followers on Facebook.
Robert is a gambling streamer from the UK. He started making videos in 2020 and have been consistently posting videos since. He has a solid fan base thanks to engaging content and cash giveaways running on his website.
Rajona Kunigas
Rajona Kungigas means “Priest of the Hood” and is a Lituuanian YouTuber. With over 17 million views on his account he is one of the biggest gambling YouTubers out there.
Ivana Knoll is a Croatian model who got famous by her appearence at the World Cup. She has 3.3 Million followers on Instagram and is getting more and more famous in the gambling industry.